Executives and HR Teams constantly seek innovative ways to manage costs while maintaining quality employee benefits coverage. One tactic many businesses are choosing to utilize is a Health Insurance Captive. At its core, a Health Insurance Captive operates as a...
“Getting a good night’s sleep” is a common phrase we’ve all used. But what if getting better sleep is more than an overused phrase we say when we’ve had an incredibly long day or are dealing with exhausted children? Improved sleep is...
In the wake of the recent Johnson & Johnson lawsuit, the landscape of employer-sponsored health plans is shifting profoundly. The repercussions of this pivotal moment are prompting organizations to reevaluate their approach to employee health benefits. As we...
In the modern workplace, transparency has emerged as a fundamental principle in fostering employee trust and engagement. According to research by Slack, over 80% of employees want a better understanding of how decisions are made, and 87% of job seekers look for...
As an Executive or HR Staff responsible for your employee health plan, we completely understand the challenges that loom – especially those as large as managing health plan rates for your organization. Healthcare costs impact both employers and employees. And, the...
When your employee benefits plan strains your budget and falls short of meeting your employees’ needs, it’s crucial to explore alternative options. For HR Teams in Retail, it’s not uncommon for you to struggle with recruitment and retention hurdles, an...