The executive order recently issued by the White House addressing artificial intelligence (AI) represents a pivotal moment in the government’s endeavor to navigate a rapidly evolving technology landscape. While the order encompasses various facets of AI, it...
Open Enrollment is a critical period for both employees and employers, offering the opportunity to select or modify their benefits for the upcoming year. But amidst the excitement of new healthcare plans and coverage options, it’s easy to overlook a fundamental...
The PUMP (Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers) Act is both a valuable and necessary resource for nursing moms in the workplace. It seeks to protect and support their ability to continue pumping for their infants even after they return to work. ...
Employers and their HR Teams are always on the search for better ways to take care of their employees — of all ages. One key element of effectively caring for employees is thoroughly understanding your workforce and the needs they have based on their different phases...
Supporting working parents is a critical part of every business and organization. The reality is that without a federal parental leave policy or child care assistance policies, parents are left juggling how to care for their children and maintain a career to provide...
If you’re a fiduciary for your company, you must be up-to-speed not only on your fiduciary responsibility but the importance of compliance and the implications of any violations. As a health plan fiduciary, your responsibility is to administer the company’s health...